The main use of this blog that I’m
using is for my Digital communication tools class and it will help me organize
and be able to share posts and things that I have learned with others. Digital
citizenship is how you act online, just like with being a citizen of the city
we live in. Your digital citizenship matters a lot because the way you act
online should resemble how you act in person. My digital profile for the most
part is good. I use most of my social networking for communicating with my
family so I respect the fact that they see what I post and keep what I post
limited so I’m not tempted to say something that I wouldn’t want them to see.
After learning about how everything you post on the internet is never really
gone after you delete it really freaked me out considering that there are
probably something’s that I have posted that was posted. This has made me be
more careful about what I post.